[LEGACY] Thrive

We’ll start off by saying that I was excited about Thrive, as I’ve played Spore. It’s the part of Spore where you crash-land into the sea inside a big meteorite and gobble up all the stuff you need to evolve, adding more on as you go.
This game is that exact part from spore, but more complicated, more complex.

Again, you start off a tiny cell doing a wiggle-swiggle around the sea, but instead of particulates being picked up you’re sucking up glucose, ammonia, and phosphate. Glucose acts as your primary food source and energy source (so if you can’t find that you’re fucked), whereas ammonia and phosphate are your progress devices, the more you collect of those the quicker you fill your evolution metre.
From there you add different parts to your tiny little cell body, some are just cells, but others have more precise functions like Metabolosomes and Chemosythesizing Proteins… nah I’m too dumb for that stuff.

So, what do you do in the game? Thrive. Haha, yeah but what else? Nope, that’s merely it.

I only played it for what I can say is a “little while” on my stream while making my review, and it’s safe to say it’s not the most entertaining game to play, but also for others to watch. So I continued to play it off-stream to no avail. I couldn’t get a whole lot further than what I had initially, but slowly came to the realisation that “I have to play this game for a lot longer and grind it right out to even noticeably progress, don’t I?”
Yes, that was the case. That, for me, is a huge game-killer. When you noticeably have to put many hours just to get the ball rolling in a game, is it really okay? When the game punishes you for taking a step further than what is expected of you? Especially when all there is to the game is swimming around, gobbling up things and becoming bigger.


  • The game functions as a game.
  • Takes the cellular floaty and collect things to upgrade yourself (part of Spore(in brackets as idk where it came from first)) and expands on it, pushing it further.
  • Goes in depth with a more science-y approach, adding more accurate names and processes to evolving and upgrading your lifeform.
  • The upgrade, item, and travel menu is clear and easy to read. It could’ve been so user unfriendly considering the amount of information they’re trying to put across.


  • Despite being a lot more complex than the original concepts of this style of game, it still feels empty. I think the original premise (that I’d found in Spore, among other games) was better due to the promise of actual evolution. Within Thrive you just get bigger and bigger and more complex, while that in itself if a fun part about it, that’s really just about it. It’s about getting the best out of what stage you’re in, but not progressing any further than that.
  • Even though the game has numerous pointers and plenty of little pop-ups that show you at the start what things do and how the game works… I still can’t help but feel a little lost even into an hour of playing. I know what I’m doing, yet still feel lost.
  • The game overall, while a good concept, is just incredibly boring. Not much to say about it. The only real danger you have is dying because you can’t find any glucose. I have found other organisms in the water that I’ve had to fight, but honestly, you’re more likely to die from “starvation”.
  • Following the above comment. I do know how the game works, different areas have less of different things that you can eat and need to survive. I know that if I go into a stage unprepared, then there will be a higher chance of me dying, sure. But when I go into the next stage up, and I’m wandering around (in the one direction the first time) for the best half of 2 minutes. In those 2 minutes I find absolutely nothing with no clue as to why I’m not finding anything or where it could be, and die. It’s not really compelling me to play the game for any longer.

Overall, this game is for someone who can do the same thing over and over again, with the same kind of background, same motions but with slight variations. It’s a game that will take a lot of time and a lot of patience, and is really only for someone who enthuses about microorganism evolution and progression.
It’s honestly not for me, not really worth my time and genuinely looked a lot more enjoyable in the trailer than what it was playing it or watching it via a stream.

In addition, please note that this game is currently in Early Access and seems to be one of those games that will be an EA (not that EA) game for a while. This is (hopefully) not due to this being a shovelware game, and because, as the devs state, it is a volunteer project. It is also apparently free elsewhere, whereas on Steam it’s paid for.

Price: £3.99, but free elsewhere.
Time To Complete: N/A
Achievements: None
Cards: No
Worth The Money: Honestly, no. But it seems (like Unturned) this is a pay to support the dev type deal. If you’re interested in this game, find where it’s free and help these devs perfect their long-term project.

Zesty Rating
4.5 Out Of 10.

A game premise I was genuinely keen to see if taking one point of another game and honing in on it worked again. This time it fails. Bland, slow and unrewarding, similar to how life is going for us right now. Too much work and effort for so little outcome and nothing to show for it.

Please bear in mind that this is a repost. There have been slight changes to the post such as spelling and grammar fixes, images added, and things generally organised in the fashion I'd like them presented.  Apart from that, the main context of the review has not changed, opinion has not been altered and everything is sacred. I look forward to writing for you all again.

[LEGACY] Agross

Agross is a simple survival management game. It is truly basic.
The person you control is not even humanoid, it’s essentially a player counter from Sorry! In a way, it makes the game a different experience as you are being told these people are human despite not seeing them that way. For me, I feel that it makes me act differently in the game as I would if they appeared human.

For instance, all the people who worked for me had their health at 20 as I didn’t feed them for 4 days and made them work flat out until they were almost dead. Whereas in games like Sims or Settlers, I’m a little more… morally sound.
The carrots looked like carrots, the chickens were chickens, so they were treated as such. The people being nothing more than pawns made me the ruthless overlord of the carrots.

There are a few things I would change, which most would only be me being nitpicky. The only thing I actually think is viable from that list and what other people have mentioned too (where both reviews have the exact wording and seem to have been copied) is changing the market from 12 hours to 8 hours. You know, because most of us like to shove some toast in our mouth before we head out, we can imagine these farmers just stuffing a carrot in their walking off to market.


  • The game works soundly, with no graphical errors or musical bugs.
  • The aesthetics are simple but pleasing. The simplicity brings out the “simple life on the farm” feeling but adds a sort of sole barren-ness which you have to deal with.
  • Decent music.
  • A solid game concept which has been done before, but tackles it in its own way and does a good job of that.
  • A challenging juggle between “Do I feed my workers, myself, or force everyone to work hard, so we can sell our produce tomorrow?”


  • The lack of humanoid humans brought out the sadist in me, while not even really a complaint, the style lends itself to the minimalism, the other items in the game look more like what they’re supposed to represent.
  • No upgrade system, for anything at all to make things a little easier over time. Like upgraded tools or cheaper labour.
  • Only one music track looping over and over again, the music was decent, but 1 track looping is kind of bland.
  • The hour usage per action could use a bit of tweaking, while I do believe that you could spend 12 hours going to, in and coming back from a market, your character had breakfast before that. The farmers around here drive their tractors with toast in their mouths and their breakfast hot drink in a flask.
The little red cylinder is your farmer or worker.

Price: £0.79
Time To Complete: No Ending
Achievements: None
Cards: None
Worth The Money: Yeah, it’s okay for a £1 game. Definitely good when one sale.

Overall, it is a perfectly sound game, the game is good. For £0.79 it’s honestly not all that bad if you’re into these kinds of management games and can handle the tough starting challenge it presents you. All the mechanics are there for a management survival game. The only thing I would suggest is slight changes to the times and maybe an upgrading system.

Zesty Rating
4 Out Of 10. Has the minimalistic blandness of an avocado, but plenty of people like avocados. I prefer guacamole.
A simplistic, farming-survival game. Tend to the chickens, plant some carrots, and don’t forget to feed yourself. Become the ruthless overlord of the carrots, and starve your workers. Barely recommended, but a good grab nonetheless.

Please bear in mind that this is a repost. There have been slight changes to the post such as spelling and grammar fixes, images added, and things generally organised in the fashion I'd like them presented.  Apart from that, the main context of the review has not changed, opinion has not been altered and everything is sacred. I look forward to writing for you all again.

Moving In – Part 2 of ? (Procrastination and Awkward Induced Anxiety)

Here we are, 13 days from when I posted my last blog about moving in, and what have I done since then? Sweet fuck all.
Why? Fuck knows.

So we’ll start with the scheduled things.
I got my shelving unit delivered on the 9th. That was one of the few deliveries that was on time out of the three.
Two, quite skinny and lanky, men struggled to lift the shelving unit up to my flat, up the two flights of stairs. I held the door on both counts, the bottom one to get into the complex and my personal door.
Apart from that, my offer to help otherwise was declined. I felt like a massive dweeb, pain in the arse… Apparently one of the dudes wasn’t getting paid? I don’t know. I don’t know why I even brought it up, probably something to do with the fact they had to carry this huge piece of IKEA furniture up two flights of stairs.

So from there, all the little bundles of tat, or “tack”/“tak” as my co-worker (BR) calls it, that were in piles around the flat (neat piles thank-you!) are now all comfy comfy in the shelf.
Is it organised? Partially. What’s the other half doing? Shoved on there haphazardly as I just wanted it off the floor so that everyone could do the dinosaur.

So yeah! That’s 9/11 out of the way, thankfully avoided any disasters.

Big pause between the 9th and the 15th. I spent most of my time, between then and… then…, looking for “things”. I know what I need, I just have been putting off getting it, and I don’t know why. Some sort of mental block going on.
I believe that’s when another co-worker of mine (DK) mentioned to me about SCS having a sale and the whole 4 years no APR pay monthly thing… Sorry DK, I did look. I still have the tab on my browser open with the couch in my basket. I almost paid for it, but I keep getting cold feet.

So yeah, that keeps happening. I keep getting cold feet about buying specific things.
Some things, I can look back on it and sort of pretend I know the reason and nod my head, “Hmm, yeah, I see why you’re being a pussy.” because let’s face it. I can’t drive, and I need to ask people to hire a van to move things (if I’m not ordering it from a company), and the whole MySchedule and ThierSchedule and the SellerSchedule needing to ALL LINE UP. Not only that, but I already had trouble with seller’s schedules conflicting with mine, let alone a third person.
I keep seeing fridge/freezers on Facebook Marketplace and other heavy-yet-important-to-home-living items, and I just feel so damn awkward asking for help.
So do I procrastinate? Yes, but out of how awkward I feel, I do it on semi-purpose.

Also, it would fucking help if sellers replied to me. That’s another thing putting me off. I’ve come to 17 dead ends with non-repliers when trying to source major appliances. Fucking talk to me, you morons, or take the thing off the marketplace, god-damn it.

Then! Out of nowhere… Depressive cycle.
The joys.

So, 15/11 is the day in which I was to “receive” two things.
Smart Meter.

I paid extra money to get DHL to deliver the paint to me between 8am and 12pm. This is because the person coming to install the smart meter was to be at the flat between 12pm and 4pm.


Not only do I HATE multiple things happening in the one day, I hate it more when they happen at the same time. Especially when it includes multiple people scheduled to be at my place. I don’t want them meeting each other! It’s weird. They make it weird. I make it weird. Everyone gives each other weird looks, and I can’t stand the awkward exchange!

Anyway, so the paint doesn’t come. It’s 13:45, 1 hour and 45 minutes into the time the smart meter guy is supposed to get here. I see the… Seimens… van pull into the car park. He sits in the van for about 15 minutes. Cool.
So after 1 hour of him being there, fiddling with things, electric box screeching twice driving me a little loopy, he comes through and tells me that the box that he’s been sent out with, that’s registered to my address, isn’t working and that I have to reschedule. He fit a new box in, so now I also have to phone to get a voucher for the money I lost with him reinstalling another box.


So he’s still there, fitting this new box, I received an email from DHL.

“Your Wilko parcel has been delayed by 24hrs.”
What. The Fuck.

You bet your arse, I went immediately and made a case about being refunded the difference between a standard delivery charge and the price I paid to have it delivered SPECIFICALLY within those times on that day. I had waited the entire 4 hours between 8am and 12pm at the flat, because I know what it’s like. It says it’s not being delivered yet, but you cross the street to Greggs to get your fucking bacon and omelette roll and look at your phone, it’s already tried to be delivered and being sent back to the fucking depot.
I also needed to get scissors. I got really pissy I couldn’t go and buy scissors, because I was hyperfixating on painting something and I really needed scissors. That and I asked my BFF/co-worker (AH) if they required me to pick up her painkillers beforehand, expecting to at least have 30 min between delivery and smart meter. The amount of anticipation fuelled rage…

Smart meter guy is finished putting shit back, and there’s a knock on my door at 2pm.

Smart meter guy’s getting finished up and taking his stuff back to his van, I have my jacket on as I’m about to rush to boots to get the meds and here’s the delivery guy. WHEN I’M JUST ABOUT TO LEAVE. I ALMOST MISSED IT, FOR NO REASON. And, it would be my fault, wouldn’t it?

Later that day I’m with my BFF (AH), I have her painkillers, and we’ve had our walk and our complain while walking the dog. You know, usual friend stuff.
I’m doing my usual, seeing her in the door, and she asks me if I want chairs.

Yes? Chairs? What kind of chairs?

Turns out one of her ground-floor neighbours are moving to a bigger flat, which is essentially just down the road, and they’re getting rid of some of their things. Outside their door are some basic white chairs, whether they’re dining chairs or not, I’m not sure. There’s no padding, they’re just wooden round chairs. Haven’t taken a picture yet, but I’ll add it here when I do.
They’ve been there for a bit before. I would’ve taken them sooner if it wasn’t for the last time I almost took them, being some football game day. I would’ve felt really awkward and weird walking past at least 75+ people crowding the pavement and street I need to walk down, to head to my flat, awkwardly carrying two white chairs.

(All above text was done while, I think, slightly drunk. I don’t drink, and I tried someone’s pink smoothie tequila shot, and I can see I rambled and ranted a lot. I am going through a stressful time right now, not because of moving, so I guess it took the edge off a bit.)

Did I mention that this entire time, I’m actually off work? I have a fake rota set up in my family house so that I won’t be disturbed while doing my thing. As my family like to completely take over my days off. I’m actively pretending to go to work, to go to my flat and work on things.

So I fucked up my days, and went back to my parents when I’d scheduled the next day to be a 5.30am start. Usually, I’d stay at my flat so that I didn’t actually have to get up. This time, however, I had to wake up at 4am, “get ready”, and “walk to work”. It was about 5:10 by the time I got there, and I just went to my flat and went back to sleep. It gave me the worst headache as I’d already walked the 10-min walk in the cold 5am air, so I was pretty awake, forcing myself to sleep is never good, but it was needed.
The cover for me staying at the flat is that I’m staying at my bffriend’s (AH) house, and she’s essentially kidnapping me for a night, so I don’t have to pay the bus fare back home.


I bought a knife block. No knives. Needed a paint, painted it.
The painting of the desk is almost finished, just the small bits left to go, and having to leave them to dry again for 14-16 hours. I never thought it would be so exhausting waiting. The black and gold strips I tried to do didn’t turn out as well as I wanted them, apparently it would’ve been better if I’d used frog tape? But I had no idea that existed until I was looking for more masking tape.

The room I’m painting purple isn’t going as well as planned. After ordering more paint, of the same brand, make and number, and name… it’s a different colour. Looking it up online, I discover that because new paint has more water in it, it’s a lighter colour? Fucking bollocks. Having to repaint the room, at least it’ll take fewer coats. THAT, and I’ve also discovered that what I thought was a nasty pink paint job was actually an excellent nasty-pink wallpaper job. I found this out after coming out of ADHD autopilot after having picked at a bubble in the wall…

I’m procrastinating on getting a fridge freezer and a washing machine after the guys had such difficulty getting the shelving unit all the way up to my flat. I know that’s what they’re hired to do, but I’m a little mentally stuck because I feel bad.
The woman next door was getting rid of her cooker, I’m not sure if she’s cleaned it yet because I’m basically never in the flat. She said I could have it once she cleaned it, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever know when that is.

The little cupboard space in the close outside my flat, I’m planning on putting a keypad lock on it so that when I get packages delivered, they can pop them in there. I’ve taken off all the handle and things, but left the little lock hatch on because of “where I live”. Meaning that you can kind of expect any open door you have to be occupied by someone it doesn’t belong to if you leave it open. Sheds, cubbies… Anything that’s big enough to sleep in with a door on it.

I’ve also forgotten how to turn on the heating. I feel like an idiot. I do however have my electric blanket, so I’m not exactly freezing in bed… the entire time…

I got stopped at Wilkos because I was buying cutlery. Kitchen knives, but you know those table-knives, not actually for dicing and cutting things. I need to be over 25 to buy them. I’m bloody 24 and I’ve bought my first house.
Just reading up on it there, at 16, despite being able to fuck and marry, you’re still considered a child in the UK (based on what I briefly skimmed on the search results blurb) so if you’re homeless from 16 -17 :

If you’re 16 or 17 and homeless, you’ll usually be provided with accommodation by Children’s Services at your local council.


That or both guardians need to sign the lease or whatever?
But from 18, that’s you, on your lonesome. Are you supposed to get other people to buy you knives to eat with and cook and prepare food with for 7 years until you’re old enough? Despite being old enough to buy a house?

I still got my knives. I’m proabably not going to use them until I’m 25 right enough at the rate I’m moving, but come on.
And, because of the way I am, the woman was like “Are you over 25?” I obviously respond, “No, I’m 24.” and start to get my wallet out to get my provisional driver’s licence. She asks me again if I’m over 25 with more of a say yes vibe, I say no again because I’m not lying about that shit. I got ignored and greenlit on the knives. Okay, whatever. Greatful for the knives but damn, just say “then you cant have them.” and do the job right lmao.

These past few weeks have been weirdly taxing, and I’ve done fuck all.

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