Mind Your Feet On The Way In…

…I take my shoes off at the door.


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Welcome! Welcome to the madness, the madhouse, or just the house-mad.

This is Doubtful Player, and as our tag-line would suggest, you should totally put aside your opinions and let us make yours for you. You believe what we tell you, because it’s written here, and we told you to believe it. Our word is gospel!!

Okay, never mind, that’s kinda cult-y…

Welcome To Doubtful Player!

The home (currently) of a person who (used to) has too much free time and way too much of an opinion.
Here you will find game reviews, blogs on life events, random thoughts and the odd review / complaint that I’d rather not make on Twitter as I’d have to make a 50 thread long rant.

Have fun reading around this motorway pileup of a website. Hit the site a follow to be notified when we release new things, new reviews, so on and so-forth!

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