Going MIA. (Again and again and again and…)

Well, hello there,
It’s your old pal or nemesis Jinx, and I’ve come here to say… Sorry for going MIA.

This is not a new thing for me, as it happens fairly regularly, but if you’re new to all of this I can give you a little run-down.

I have ADHD and I also have ASD. Both of these things affect me in different ways, and my ADHD is unmedicated, so we have a lot of fun with that.
The ADHD means that I pick up new things and obsess over them until I burn out on it, and start the vicious cycle again with something new. My ASD then picks that up and beats the shit out of my self-conscious for abandoning something. It makes me continue to think about it for as long as eternity until I double burn out from guilt or drag myself to doing it again.

This is happening right now for a few things:
– My job.
– Certain friends.
– My Twitch
– My website.

I am not done with any of these things, and never will. This website is like… I would’ve said a baby, but if it was, then social services aren’t doing their fucking job. It’s a passion project, just like my Twitch, and I am all out of passion right now.
People who know me, and have already read my old posts on the ShineyCat website, would know that the ones that were posted every week are things that I wrote a year ago. All of it being reposted here.
This is because I lost my passion for it, but also because I’ve not been playing anything new as of late.
On the other hand, I have been playing the absolute shit out of Project Zomboid, on a role-play server called Wasteland Roleplay. This is content I would’ve streamed if it weren’t for some copyrighted music being used by a boombox mod. I have been playing this, day in, day out. I genuinely love the community and the roleplay that Project Zomboid can potentially bring.

On another note, I’ve been going through quite a lot of relationship drama, as usual.
To the point where I had to block someone on all their social accounts as they kept trying to contact me, this lead to them coming to my flat, uninvited. Where they knocked, rung my bell and cried, begged and yelled at me through my letterbox. This situation led me to have a panic attack the entire time they were there. They eventually left after kicking my door. It just goes to show, as much as you love someone, or think you know them, people are capable of doing shit you’d never thought they’d do.

And I went to London. The Scottish bitch went to London, and apparently I was walking about Hackney. I got told off for that when I got back, my co-worker (BR) had apparently been stalking me on Snapchat maps.
Why was I there? London Comicon. Your bitch went to fucking London Comicon and got her picture taken with Samantha Béart. I tried to get my Baldur’s Gate 3 shirt signed as well, but no dice, the line was way to fucking long, and I was only there for the Friday.

It was a shame, but I got a picture with the gorgeous She/Slay Queen Karlach actress, and I couldn’t be more happy with that. Even if she did get distracted talking to me by someone in full Karlach cosplay walking in, don’t worry, next time I’ll be fucking ripped and cosplaying like a fucking god.

Finally, I have still been around. Anyone wanting to contact me can still do so, and I still answer, it’s just that my head is fucking busy doing nothing right now.
And if you’re an avid watcher of TheShmilkyWay, then you’ll hear my stupid ass every Wednesday. If you’re not, then what the fuck are you doing? Follow TheShmilkyWay for fuck’ sake, great content.

Proof I’m not Dead and playing with them:

I hope to write again soon, and not just another apology,
Talk to y’all later.
Jinx out!

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