Lord bless Keymailer and their forever extensive library of new and upcoming games, waiting to be requested and played by the unsuspecting gaming influencer. With Steam and the Greenlight function being taken away and a mountain-load of shovel-ware sweeping into the marketplace like a landslide from a landfill, it’s hard to request things from the site and not dread what you’re getting into.

Due to its overall look and information, Lake was one of the more promising looking games. It was also one of the few games that provided a different “please read before requesting this game.” This uniqueness before even starting the game or even being accepted to play it was pretty fresh.

The game itself is exactly as you see it. You are a woman who is taking over from her dad as the local postman, which is giving her a needed break from her work, too. It’s a delve into her past, as it’s her returning home to the town she used to live in by a big, beautiful lake.

There’s not much else to this game that I have experienced, which is not a bad thing.

The game is simply experiencing this twist in a person’s life through delivering mail around the lake each day, with different dialogue options leading to better/worse relationships with other characters and possible romance options.


  • It’s a game that works. And it works really well.
  • The stylisation of the game is a mix of low-poly and not, which does give the land a unique aesthetic. While not looking super realistic, it all blends in really well together and paints a nice surrounding.
  • 2 (As far as I’m aware) romance options, one with a male character and one with a female character. Film Nerd Chick FTW.
  • All music in the game is played through the “local radio” in the post-van and is actually real, original music recorded for the game, which really ties in that close-knit community vibe.
  • All characters feel believable and the dialogue is not clunky or unnatural. 
  • Whether intentional or not, you can power slide with the van.


  • Due to the original music, you do have to email the devs of the game with the link to your VOD/Video to make sure you are not DMCA/Copyright struck. It’s a thoughtful thing to do, but could be tedious if multiple videos have to be made.
  • There is no run function. (Similar to Phasmophobia) The movement speeds are “saunter” and “walk normally”. I know the woman is having a holiday by being there, but I’d like the faster speed to be “That awkward jog where you need to be faster but don’t want to put effort into being faster.”
  • The two relationship options (that I have found) are a wonderful Film Nerd Chick and Hermit Paul Bunyan. For meeting Film Nerd Chick, it’s such a natural progressive flow (AND REALLY FLIRTY), whereas meeting Paul Bunyan you’re hit with a lot of guilt-tripping and pity-partying. Which, when talking to other streamers playing the game, also put them off a relationship with him. He seems like a super chill guy, it’s just shit that every dialogue option starts with you delivering bills to him, and you’re just forced to feel guilty about it.
  • You can’t tell your boss/co-worker who keeps calling you asking you to do work while you’re on holiday to “fuck off”.

Overall, this game is a great game if you like enveloping a story via trivial means, like Power Wash Simulator but better. You learn a lot about the community via delivering mail to them and accepting some odd jobs or such from them while you’re at their houses. Meet old friends, old neighbours, and just chill in the hometown you grew up in. 

For me personally, as much as I am invested in the relationship with Film Nerd Chick, I do find the gameplay super repetitive and would probably struggle to play this game if it wasn’t for that specific relationship. However, it is one of the few games from Keymailer thus far that I can safely say I’d continue to play after trialling it.

This game, however, does deserve a place in the spotlight due to having such a well-crafted and believable little town, which completely carries across the feeling of quaint and homely to the tee. 

So while the game style may not be for everyone, it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad game at all and is certainly not a bad story that’s being told. If you can pick this game up from keymailer or fancy paying £15.99 for this game (which I, personally, would wait for a discount on) give it a decent try. Power through some posting to see if the storyline is worth the slog and share your thoughts about it as well.

Price: £15.99
Time To Complete: 7 Hours
Achievements: 10
Cards: None.
Worth The Money: Yes and No. Having 7 hours worth of playable game is certainly worth £16, but the game is too repetitive and chore-like after a while.

Zest Rating
6.5 out of 10 ~ Fresh-Tasting
Back to hometown aesthetics, postwoman romance simulator. Driving and posting every day isn’t my thing, but the relationship dynamics are worth staying for. She’s as much of a gossip as my dad is, and he’s an actual postman.

Please bear in mind that this is a repost. There have been slight changes to the post such as spelling and grammar fixes, images added, and things generally organised in the fashion I'd like them presented.  Apart from that, the main context of the review has not changed, opinion has not been altered and everything is sacred. I look forward to writing for you all again.

NOTE: This game is flagged as “Retry”.

Moving In – Part 3 of ? (Sickness And Catch-up)


16th of January…

Let me try to think of what’s happened since.

On the 14th of December, I got really sick with what I initially thought was the flu. I had shivering, fever-like symptoms. Aching and general fatigue. I had to take the next day off of work. I had 3 regular days off after that, so my timely sick day turned it into a 4 day “holiday” where I managed to recover… or so I thought.
Starting around the end of December I started getting what I thought was a cold, it may well still be. One of those ones, complete with all the phlegm in the lungs.
Boom, New Year’s Day and those same symptoms came back from the 14th, added on top of whatever cold that I had. Bedridden for most of this, my phlegm bucket (yes I needed that, there was SO MUCH of it) turned into my puke bucket as I was coughing so much I’d throw up.
Then, it switched up, I lost my appetite, my abdomen started swelling, and I started throwing up regardless. Now bloated, throwing up from nausea and coughing, cant breathe because of phlegm, can’t breathe through nose, fever-like symptoms, skin sore to touch, aching and general fatigue.

I have Glandular Fever. Nice.
I literally had to get blood tests done to find that out. They stole like 15ml of my blood. Me being me, however:
“Will this amount of blood being taken make me woozy?”
“Can I see the vials?”
“Is blood always that dark?”
“Should it have all those bubbles?”
“I’ve never had this done, does it go in the spinny things?”

I also am getting another blood test done soon, yay. Hopefully it’s just a checkup to see if I still have the G-Fever. And I also have an appointment for an ultrasound too! Maybe they’ll my motivation on the scan and give it back to me.

Right… Reading back the last blog post to see if anything happened between then and when I got sick.
Okay, so I have the Fridge/Freezer. It’s a fucking American one, so of course, it naturally doesn’t fit in the fridge space by about an inch? That’s a DIY project going to happen soon.
I still don’t have a washing machine, but that’s the next thing on my list for when I’m no longer physically fucked.
I think… the boiler pipes may have cracked, however I’m not sure as I don’t know how to work the damn thing. It may just be that because I wasn’t using it, it was being stubborn.

The last time I went to my flat, I had a little red leaflet on top of the oven outside my flat saying “Move this within 72 hours, or we will remove it!” They were 24 late, and it was still there, so… I moved it into my flat anyway.
That and my cubby outside my flat…. I don’t know if I’ve forgotten how to open it, or I’ve lost the key for the padlock, or the same people who saw the oven replaced the lock because they saw I’d been working on it and thought it was someone tampering with it. I am not sure.

The desk is still looking a bit shitty with the strips, but I also got kinda angry at just “life” and started just spraying my gold spray paint everywhere randomly, and it looks pretty cool now, just need to fix the strips.

I also now have a clock, I’m not sure if I mentioned my Pokémon calendar, I have another lamp and I now have one of those generic as fuck, black, glass TV tables. Everything I listed (apart from the calendar) is from my manager. These were extra things from his flat that his previous flatmate left behind. Pretty cool.

I now also have internet. Tempted to call it “Greggs Sex Dungeon” or some stupid shit like that. Just means I don’t need to fuck around with mobile data at the house now.

Oh, and my electricity meter isn’t working with either of my keys… And I’ve not been able to call them up about it because I’ve been away from the flat, and I’ve been sick as all fuck.

March 22nd.

I called my WiFi “I-Can-Smell-Greggs-From-Here” and one customer came up to the counter asking from the password because it had the word Greggs in it. He argued that because it had the word Greggs, it must be the Greggs WiFi. One of my co-workers (BR) went bright fucking red having to answer this, because she knew it was my WiFi.

April 18th.

Today I’ll post this blog.


I am teetering on the edge of moving completely. It’s actually getting harder and harder to go “home” now, as I’m just so comfortable in my own space. I’ve just got a washing machines in the last few days and one of me Co-worker’s (DK) husband is coming over to make sure I’ve installed it correctly as he’s some kinda handyman joiner person.

Sleeping on and off in my flat, around 2–3 days out of 7, I’m feeling a lot more at peace. And honestly, I still don’t see the fuss about having your own house being difficult. Hell, I’m still spending stupid money on Pokémon cards, gifts for friends and eating out.
I am still occasionally taking train journeys to Glasgow and beyond!

Things are changing a bit, however, I’ve noticed that I’m losing weight at a very slow pace. Trousers specifically showing. Falling down as I walk. Yet the ones on the size smaller are still too tight. I suppose I’ll get there eventually. More people are being hired at my work, so there are fewer hours up for grabs, and I’m limited to my contracted hours. However, I am at a stage where if I asked for more work, anyone would take me. There are 4 Greggs in my area, and that increases to about 6 or 8 when you increase the scope of travel. They always have extra hours going and sometimes not everyone wants to work more, so they go to waste. That’s where I come in.

As of relationships, which I’ve not spoke much of here, I’ve been in and out of them. Making discoveries about myself that I’m not too best pleased with. Reflecting on past relationships and questioning whether I really was “in love” with any of them. I think this however reflects weirdly with my ADHD. Falling hard and fast with my intense emotions, but when relationships are over I find it hard to think about them as “If it’s not in front of me, I can’t see it.”. Should I question my love for my exes if I can’t remember if I did due to my mental differences?

My electricity is fixed. Honestly, I don’t know when that part was that I mentioned, about it not working, but it’s working now. It took months for them to fix it. Even worse that it was during those weeks it suddenly went back to freezing temperatures. (There’s a problem with my gas now, but shhhh.) I’m still yet to receive the compensation due, but I’ll wait a bit before we unleash the Karen, y’know?

I’m so close to streaming again, too.
I feel the need and the want to pick it back up. I feel myself getting ready for it.
Not only that, but I can’t help the feeling I’m going to have to change my 4pm rule.
My work REALLY wants to promote me. Essentially guaranteeing me a promotion by 2024, whether the position is actually available or not. Knowing that being a Senior Team member mostly consists of working from 05:30 to 3pm, or 1:30pm to 9pm, means I’m going to be working long shifts most of the time. If I get the short end of the straw, some weeks I’ll have only a small amount of streams. But, that might be enough.

Anyway, my stupid brain can’t think of anything else significant, and I should really get this blog out.
The next time I post, I should’ve fully moved as honestly, I only have shoes left to move. I’ll be posting my letter to my parents here too, because that’s always a fun read.

Have a good day!

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