Dungeon Despair


After being left behind by the Cultists, Naya and Damien had nothing to do but stick to the boundaries of the Temple. Although they’d been there for months, and for Naya it was probably years, they’d never been able to access the dungeons as there were always cultists guarding that area. Their rooms hardly differed from the cells in which they’d kept their prisoners, even the ones they only kept for demon-food. Everyone was gone except them and the prisoners, and they wanted to know why.

Adventuring down into the damp, cold depths of the cave which they carved out their “dungeon”, they came across a lone cell with one man inside it. The man residing in it jumped to his feet and seemed not only to recognise Damien, but was very eager to talk to him.

He said weakly but with excitement, “Hey you! Get me out of here, please!”

Damien shook his head, “We’re not here to free you. We are just wandering around.”

The old man peered at Damien, “Damien? Damien! You look so much older than the last time I saw you. Of course, you were just a child…”

Damien just looked perplexed at the old man. “Just because you know my name does not mean I will free you. People speak of me plenty.”

“Listen, I was friends with your father, Sebastian. We used to be part of the Golden Knights until he was afflicted with the curse. They kicked him out and when I refused to break contact with him, they exiled me too!”

Damien sneered, “Then you were quick to abandon my father then after they kicked you out too?”

The old man insisted, “No, no! I accompanied your father various times after that until he told me what the cultists were planning. Thereafter, he got killed, and I got captured by the cul–.”

Naya interrupted brashly, “What do you mean ‘What the cultists were planning’? They’re going to free us all and help us get equal status within the realm so that we can live like real people again!”

The old man cleared his throat and looked at Damien. “Damien, your father told me what the cultists plan to do and everything they have done. They were the ones that convinced the Creator to share his powers with them. They struck him down out of greed and jealousy! They were the ones who caused the cursed rain to fall upon us and afflict us. These cultists are power crazy and are unsatisfied with how little they’ve gained! They’re now carrying the plan to revive the Creator and enthral him, so they can use him for infinite power. And you and the rest of the demons are his fuel, they were training you up to unlock your powers so that when the Creator consumes you, he will produce magic that the cultists had only ever dreamed of.”

Feeling betrayed, emotions running high, Naya ripped open the cell door to the old man and squared him off. He stumbled backwards and fell, dust rising as he hit the ground. Sneering at the old man, she turned tail and stormed off on a mission to fight the Cultist leader, Damien trailing along behind her, feeling the sharp burn of guilt on his neck.

But they would not arrive in time to stop the summoning.


Realms of Tanerila is a Choose Your Own Adventure story written 5 years ago by myself for my HNC Games Development course. I started well… then I wrote the rest in a couple of hours at 4am because the deadline was too long, and I forgot about it.

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