Cellular Secret


Annoyed that he had been excluded from assignments, both Derkeethus and Damien wandered the great halls of the embassy. They laughed and joked about their time on the team, but they both had realized that the embassy was not the right place for either of them. While Derk was spectacular at casting prayer, work in the embassy put him in a lot of danger with no way to defend himself.

Damien, on the other hand, had felt the negative presence when he’d joined, he knew he wasn’t entirely welcome. It still wasn’t enough to convince him to leave, but as soon as the situation with the cultists was over, he knew there wasn’t much reason to stay. When the conversation came to question whether they would part ways or not, they heard a loud conversation in the distance between the Captain and his Lieutenant.

“I come back from leave after my wife giving birth to our first son, only to find out he’s been afflicted by the curse before he’s even entered our world… and I find that you, of all people, have enlisted the very demon spawn of the pair of demons pretending to be a happy family?!” the Lieutenant shouted at the Captain, Damien had frozen on the spot with Derkeethus preparing to hold him back from breaking down their door.

The Captain insisted with a sly growl, “Trust me Lieutenant, I have the perfect use for him. He will destroy the cultists for us, and then we kill him afterwards…”

 The lieutenant scoffed, “You better know what you’re doing Captain, he is just as afflicted by the curse his parents were…” He continued, “I remember the day… Spotting them while we were on a hunting party looking for rabid demons that patrol the forest. We found his parents walking back towards the village with a cart full to the brim with goods for the village. We attacked his parents and stole the supplies for ourselves… Killing happy demons is hard enough, but with him out looking for revenge, I would rather not be caught in that…”

The captain insisted again, sound even slyer than last time, “That, won’t, happen….”
“Send the troops to the mouth of the ancient caverns. They plan to do their ritual there using the standing stones placed there by the creator himself. I’ll get my legion ready, make sure you do too.”


Realms of Tanerila is a Choose Your Own Adventure story written 5 years ago by myself for my HNC Games Development course. I started well… then I wrote the rest in a couple of hours at 4am because the deadline was too long, and I forgot about it.

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