Defending You From You


The moment that Damien entered the embassy he was greeted with not only just weird looks but also with a forced smile and a sense of unease amidst the false respect. It’s obvious that not everyone wanted him here; Derkeethus however, was happy enough with him and treated him more like a friend than anything else. This immediate friendship was strange, people always take time to get to know others, but Derkeethus was just an unending well of kindness. A real odd fellow.

Damien was led to the grand hall, where the Captain of the Golden Knights was sitting at their conference table and eagerly awaiting Damien. He arose from his chair to greet him, creating big hulking clunks in the ground as his armour weighed him down to the floors of the embassy, like boulders on each foot. Just as eagerly as he was weighting, he almost grabbed Damien’s normal arm out of his socket with the vigorous handshake that was forced upon him.

What was explained was that Damien could be a part of the Golden Knights if he wished, they were going after the cultists that planned to take over the realm with the power of The Creator. By enslaving the fallen god in his immortal decaying state, and siphoning his power like a magic well. He also explained to Damien of how some of these cultists are the original priests who took down the Creator all those years ago, but that’s not the full story.

In his gruff, commanding tone, he explained what happened upon that day.
“In the beginning, the Creator shaped and moulded the earth. Nurtured everything and everyone from a distance. Eras passed, and the Creator grew lonely, watching his creations from afar, making the most of their short life span as they experienced love and life to their fullest. One year, he decided he would go down there, he would walk among them and being their creator, they would respect him and love him for who he was.”

“He came to earth, and walked in a random direction, making a difference in people’s lives as he walked. He cleared passageways which had been blocked by landslides with a swift kick, he mended infected and broken bones with the touch of his hands. Plants that were withered and out-of-season sprang back to life and bear their fruit during the times of famine. But there were those that sought only his power, the original jealous priests.”

“They convinced him to meet them at their temple, high in the mountains of Ethereum, where they wished to offer him their blessings. The Creator was met with their blessings but also the prospect of sharing his magic, they wished to be able to use the same magic as he and be trained in how to use it. Of course, The Creator, seeing no fault in his own beloved creations, shared his power with all the priests which had asked of him his power.”

“Immediately the priests turned on him, incapacitating him with magic then delivering the final blow with a sword to the back of his neck. The Creator died instantly, shattering into a billion pieces across the realm, raining down onto the civilians below and causing the curse. The priests were divided, some ashamed of what they’d done, went into hiding and have not been seen to this day, the others went crazy with the power of their magic and were unsatisfied with how little they’d gained and forged a plan to revive the Creator and enthral him, so they could use him for infinite power.”

Damien, enlightened by the true side of the story, agreed to join the faction in aid of stopping the cultists reviving the dead Creator and started his training alongside Derkeethus at becoming a Golden Knight.

 >>Climb to Ethereum

Realms of Tanerila is a Choose Your Own Adventure story written 5 years ago by myself for my HNC Games Development course. I started well… then I wrote the rest in a couple of hours at 4am because the deadline was too long, and I forgot about it.

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