[LEGACY] 12 Hours

Upon entering 12 Hours, you’re hit straight with that shitty indie feel and not to mention the long loading times. The screen shows some basic text with controls, but some of these controls seem confusing at first because they ask you to use the LMB to turn on and off your torch, but also to use it to attack… What? Nevermind, I’m sure it will explain itself eventually or make sense in-game.

You then start off in a corridor, no story as you are within a nightmare of the developer’s making. All that you can see will be the wooden floor, the dirty off-white walls, and the wooden doors. A very plain setting and not very spooky or endangering at all.
Each door you go through will land you in one of the random rooms that this game possesses, where all the items have the exact same spawn location. Random rooms, but all the contents of the rooms are not randomised, weird.
The red “blood” writing on the wall is extremely far from intimidating. Some writing is even supposed to be funny, but that completely devalues the scare of others! Whispering emanating from these walls, but it’s not subtle whatsoever, and for me, takes away some scare as the sound was clearly just placed on the wall.

The monster(s) you encounter (as far as I’m aware) is a homeless old man with a machete/butcher knife and a demon dog/human hybrid that I swear I’ve seen in some game before. These enemies will sometimes spawn right in front of you and, typically, not even facing you. They will spawn, more than likely, before you can reach/find a weapon, leaving you defenceless. The monster(s) can run faster than you and there’s no way to close the door to prevent them from attacking you (despite it giving you the option to interact with it) and there is no hiding mechanic. You just die.

On my last playthrough I was lucky enough to come across a baseball bat, which I found to my displeasure that as soon as I picked it up the torch went out. Baseball bats are two-handed weapons, and it wouldn’t make sense that I could hold a torch too, so that was fine, but now I have to fight the monsters in the pitch black with a baseball bat, big deal. Or at least it wouldn’t be if the game had not already put (from what I can tell) a headlamp on the floor. It told me to press G to turn it on, and it didn’t. It had a sign like a switchover sign with the button T, so I tried that. Nothing.

Obviously, the headlamp was put here with the combat in mind, so you could still see your enemies as you were fighting them. You technically still can, but you can only see their life bar. Oh, and the crawling monster had me dead before I could even get a second hit. *Shakes some salt.*

— The game works. No audio or auditory glitches and no game crashes.
— Battery charge to battery finding ratio is sensible enough.
— Combat is actually combat and not just a horror hide and seek.
— Buttons (for everything except LMB issue) are set sensibly to global standard.

— Monsters spawn right in front of you, sometimes not even facing you.
— If you don’t find a bat before the monster finds you, you’re fucked, as you can’t defend yourself otherwise.
— The torch is terrible, and the headlamp doesn’t work.
— There is no hide mechanic, and the monster(s) all run faster than you. No way to revive or recover.
— Randomly Generated Map sometimes makes the most stupid of corridors, some you can’t even fit into.

All images are just random rooms that I’ve walked into. None are linked by anything whatsoever. They’re purely rooms with different things in them.

Price: £2.89
Time To Complete: N/A
Achievements: None
Cards: No
Worth The Money: No. Do not buy it.

Honestly, don’t buy this game. If this game is bundled with another game, but you have the option of adding something else instead of this one, do it.
If you already have this game for some reason, play it. Play it and then let people know to avoid this as if it were quarantined.
This is one of the many games that makes people avoid early access and indie tags, and gives the general idea to AAA players that “indie” means “trash”.

Zesty Rating
1 Out Of 10.
The main suspect when it comes to giving Early Access and Indie a bad name. RNG Maps make for tight crawlspaces, no weapon to start despite the risk of being attacked, cheap, boring and dull. A must not play.

Please bear in mind that this is a repost. There have been slight changes to the post such as spelling and grammar fixes, images added, and things generally organised in the fashion I'd like them presented.  Apart from that, the main context of the review has not changed, opinion has not been altered and everything is sacred. I look forward to writing for you all again.

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