Stories I Wrote As A Child – The Magic Carpet

I’ve recently just opened my files after shoving all the documents into my filer and moving to my flat. I’ve since discovered some of my old stories. Namely, the ones that got me the “Star Writer” certificate in class.

Here’s the first one:

One day I asked my Dad if I could go out on my Magic Carpet.
My Dad said, “Of course you can.” and I said, “Yes?!”

Away I went, to far, far away. I saw a castle and I went to Paris.
I saw the Eiffel Tower and I saw the art gallery, but one thing I missed was the river Seine.

I really enjoyed my journey.

5th of August 2005.

The teacher’s comments were as follows:
“What a super story, [NAME]!
You have remembered capital letters and full stops.
What a clever girl you are, to use speech marks correctly!
Next time, you could tell me what your carpet looked like.”

I honestly don’t remember if I was prompted to write about France, or the popular tourist attractions in them. I honestly don’t remember the name of the river either, so it’s more than likely that I’d only just read about it.

Genuinely, love the story. Paints a picture of a reality that would never have happened, and I probably knew it. Considering that when I was writing this at 7 years old, my “Yes” was followed by a question mark. I somehow knew how to convey that confusion and excitement of my Dad actually saying yes to doing something, even something he’d consider dangerous.
Indicative of the part that as soon as I got on that carpet I went “Far, far away.” Shrek 2 came out in 2004, but I don’t think it was influenced by that.

Maybe I’ll use these as writing prompts later.

Anyway, that’s it. I have a few more, let’s give each one a separate post and do them every Thursday because #tbt. Whatever *ROFL*

Happy Thursday.

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